Transport Tycoon Semi-FAQ
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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1.1 Transport Tycoon? What the heck is that?
    1.2 Who created TT?
    1.3 What different versions of TT are available?
    1.4 Where can I get TT?
    1.5 Why is this a Semi-FAQ?
    1.6 Where did the screenshots come from?
    1.7 Who is the author of this FAQ?

  2. The Game's Artifical Intelligence
    2.2 Why is it so poor?
    2.3 How do I beat it?
    2.4 How do I make it more challenging?

  3. Bugs and Limitations
    3.1 Industries
    3.2 Stations
    3.3 Vehicles
    3.4 Number overflows
    3.5 Hostile takeovers and bankruptcy
    3.6 Hardware problems
    3.7 Miscellaneous

  4. Guide to Using Transport
    4.1 Railroads
    4.2 Road vehicles
    4.3 Aircraft
    4.4 Boats
    4.5 Best choice chart

  5. The Industries
    5.1 Finished product industries
    5.2 Non-production industries
    5.3 Raw materials industries
    5.4 Constant production industries
    5.5 How do I increase an industry's production?

  6. Tips, Tricks, and Cheats
    6.1 Bulldozing water
    6.2 Bulldozing farmland
    6.3 Tunnel cheat
    6.4 Using the scenario editor
    6.5 Playing the stock market

  7. Cities
    7.1 Local authority ratings
    7.2 Local authority options
    7.3 How do I increase a city's population?
    7.4 Bulldozing a city's roads

  8. The Climates
    8.1 Temperate
    8.2 Arctic
    8.3 Tropical
    8.4 Toyland

  9. Disasters
    9.1 Small UFO
    9.2 Large UFO
    9.3 Coal mine subsidence
    9.4 Oil refinery or factory destroyed
    9.5 Train collision
    9.6 Plane crash
    9.7 Train collides with road vehicle
    9.8 Zepplin crashes
    9.9 Economic recession
    9.10 Flooding
    9.11 What's the deal with the UFOs?
    9.12 What's this thing in the water?

  10. The Vehicles
    10.1 Engines
    10.2 Train Cars
    10.3 Road Vehicles
    10.4 Aircraft
    10.5 Ships
    10.6 Real Vehicles

  11. Other Sources of Information
    11.1 TT Websites
    11.2 Guides and articles
    11.3 Other indices
    11.4 Reviews of TT
    11.5 Companies
    11.6 Competitions
    11.7 Similar games
    11.8 General railroading
    11.9 Defunct sites
    11.10 Miscellaneous

  12. Miscellaneous
    12.1 Are there any cheat programs?
    12.2 Can I run TTD without the CD?
    12.3 The scenarios that come with TTD
    12.4 Does TT have any keyboard shortcuts?
    12.5 Difficulty settings
    12.6 Game options
    12.7 TT Mailing List
    12.8 How does the game calculate station ratings?
    12.9 How can I increase my company's performance rating?
    12.10 How do I become "Tycoon of the Century"?

  13. Wish List
    13.1 Introduction
    13.2 Comments from addicted fans
    13.3 What will it be called?
    13.4 Problems with the current version
    13.5 The Artificial Intelligence
    13.6 Disasters
    13.7 Vehicles
    13.8 Stations and ports
    13.9 Cities
    13.10 Miscellaneous
    13.11 Conclusion

  14. Hall of Fame

  15. Transport Tycoon Webring
    15.1 What is it?
    15.2 How do I join?

    16.1 Strategy Guide
    16.2 Saved Games
    16.3 Scenarios
    16.4 Miscellaneous

  17. Humor
    17.1 You Might Be a TT Addict If...
    17.2 Unofficial TT Dictionary
    17.3 Excerpts from the Tycoon Times

  18. The Petition


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© Copyright 1997-2001, James Baughn (
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This page was last updated on March 11, 2001.