A FAQ for those who need more, more, more information and strategies about Transport Tycoon.

Part 2: The Game's Artificial Intelligence

  1. Why is it so poor?
  2. How do I beat it?
  3. How do I make it more challenging?

Why is it so poor?

One of the weakest aspects of TT is its AI (Artificial Intelligence). The same could be said for almost any game, but it's particularly easy to outwit the AI in TT.

Examples of AI stupidity

Ask the programmer

Why is the AI so inept at designing layouts? Some time ago I asked Chris Sawyer about this by email, and he responded:

The reason for this is that the computer-run companies build their tracks dynamically. What I mean by that is that they assess the terrain and possible actions at the instant they are about to build a section of track, rather than designing an entire route before constructing it. The route designs could have been much better if they had been planned in advance, but planning the route in advance assumes that the terrain won't change before the route is entirely constructed. As I wanted the rival companies to build slowly, section by section, just like the 'human' player, there was a very high possibility that a planned route would fail because part of the terrain had changed (ie. a house had appeared, ground lowered/raised, road extended etc.). It would also make it very easy for the human player to 'foil' every computer attempt at a decent route, as the human player could watch the computer-run company start to build a route, then lower or raise just one block of land in the way. The computer-run company would then have to remove all its track and start again from the planning stage.

The dynamic algorithms I used for the computer-run companies can perform very well given the right terrain, but given the limitations of a hilly terrain and an urban area they often just cannot work out how to build a decent route. That's the difference between a human and a computer - a human can look at a route construction problem and quickly see the best way to link two points using experience and knowledge, but a computer has to calculate the same problem using simple rules and searches. The rules and recursive searches used in Transport Tycoon can be very effective given enough chance - if allowed to recurse to a level of about 100 the computer would build very efficient railway routes. Unfortunately, each decision by the computer would take several days to calculate at that level, so the recursion (or look ahead level) was set at about 6 to keep the speed up. Increasing the recursion level to just 10 produced decisions that took several seconds to perform - not what you need in a game that needs to run at 10 frames per second or faster.

That pretty much sums everything up.

How do I beat it?

Defeating the AI is extremely easy when using legitimate methods. Simply make a lot of money and buy the opponents out. But, if you don't like to use legitimate means, there are a clever techniques (also called cheats) that you can use to harm the computer's companies.

How do I make it more challenging?

Choose these difficulty settings to make the AI more competitive:

Oddly enough, harder settings hurt the AI just as much (or more) as the human player. See the section on difficulty settings for more information.

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© Copyright 1997-98, James S. Baughn (
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This page was last updated on December 17, 1998.